Great Exhibition "Transmutation"
We want to invite you to this great art event, which will include some of the most renowned artists such as Luis Obando, Daniel Volcan, Freddy Simoza, Enrique Rojas y Calixto Perez. Great passionate artists that will be accompaning others in this arduous journey of commitment, determination and perseverance.
The exhibition will take place on September 21st, 2012 at 7:00 PM, works of art inspired in the 'TRANSMUTATION' theme will be presented.
Each one of the paintings represents that profound inner change from the depth of our souls resulting in a better quality of life for ourselves, our environment and the world in general.
Great Exhibition ROCK ART ROLL
18 artists, 18 different proposals about "Rock and Roll", theme selected after a magnificient meeting between both sides.
After delving into the meaningful of Rock and Roll and philosophy driven by Hard Rock Cafe trademark, artists took the best of both worlds and developed their own paintings and art works.
* Where: Hard Rock Cafe Caracas – Sambil Mall
* When: From 1st July 2013 to 31th July 2013
* Opening: July 1st at 7:00 p.m.
Erotic Phrases (Spanish)
Pensar en lo erótico es estimular el deseo de vivir para poder gozar la vida.
Gran parte de su placer de vivir depende, sin la menor duda, de lo que usted considere erótico.
Ir desde el sexo orgásmico al erotismo del goce de vida tiene escala obligatoria en la sensualidad, el placer de los sentidos.
La erótica de la vista reside en la forma, el color, la perspectiva y la textura, todo lo que está presente en la pintura.
Si no ha recibido educación para apreciar el arte es muy difícil que su placer llegue a tener la profundidad del erotismo.
El eros del arte es un punto fundamental para suplementar la sexualidad y el sexo.
Si no hay eros dentro de usted es muy difícil que lo encuentre fuera.
El enamoramiento a través del sexo es diferente al que se tiene a través de los sentidos y éste con el que se tiene con el goce de la vida.
Global Campaign IMAGINE
This is a global campaign developed by Hard Rock Cafe International in alliance with WhyHunger Organization and John Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, completely inspired on the John Lennon song “Imagine”. The principal goal is to fight childhood hunger and poverty through the support of sustainable agriculture education and nutritional feeding programs.
They give support in Caracas to the Wayúu Tayá Foundation, a non governmental, nonprofit organization, founded by the venezuelan model and actress Patricia Velasquez, whose efforts are concentrated on helping the Wayúu community, integrated with more of 450.000 native people.
Fundacion Latinoamericana del Arte and Patio Latinoamericano del Arte are proud to be a part of these great initiative. On this occasion, our plastic artists show us a world full of good people and happy children, a better world where the hearts and thoughts of people are joined like one.
With this and other initiatives, the Foundation artists hope to collaborate and to awake the conscience of each Venezuelan.
“You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one,
I hope someday you'll join us,
and the world will be as one”
John Lennon
* Place: Hard Rock Cafe Caracas – Centro Comercial Sambil
* Date: From November 28th 2013 to March 15th 2014
* Opening: November 28th 7:00 p.m.
EROTIC Exhibition
Twenty-four plastic artists and Dr. Roberto de Vries magnum contribution, evoking controversial feelings, unveiling the human being nature to the complete life enjoyment.
Little Physical Sample:
* Place: Altamira Village Hotel & Suites Caracas – St. John Bosco Ave.
* When: November 08 to November 20, 2014
* Opening: November 08 11:00 a.m.
Virtual Exhibition:
* Place:
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